We were at the pool and I couldn’t get Arianna to stay put.  I ended up giving her my apple to play with.  She has had “bites” of my apples before and enjoyed it.  She sat for a long time just chewing on it.  Ariel came and took a bite and that did not go over well.  She let everyone know she was not okay with sharing. 

I ended up biting the skin off since she was actually getting pieces of apple in her mouth.

A rare shot of Caden.
You may be thinking, “wow, she sure takes a lot of pictures of one thing.”  I generally like to take at quite a few pictures of something.  My girls will never question what they did in their childhood.
These apple pictures remind me of when Ariel was about this same age.

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1 Response to

  1. rivulet says:

    oh my gosh that is SOOOOO cute!

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